The Holidays are quickly approaching a time in my family where there is always an overload of baking. These are a little different to the traditional Madaleine and perfect for this Holiday Season.
Hazelnut Madeleines
2 sticks of Butter
6 Egg Whites
1 Cup of Sugar
1 Cup of ground Hazelnuts (about 5 ounces)
½ Cup of Flour
1/2 Teaspoon of Salt
2 Teaspoons of Vanilla
Preheat 350
In a sauce pan melt the butter and melt until turning slightly brown then strain the butter and let cool. In a mixing bowl add: sugar, flour, nuts, vanilla, salt and on medium speed slowly add the egg whites followed by the melted butter. With PAM spray the Madeleine tray ( tried using butter and serious nightmare to get them out the PAM was incredible) Spoon batter into madeleine tray and bake for 8-10 minutes and remove from tray immediately to cool
Now these could also be served dipped in chocolate. I say this cause Hazelnut and Chocolate is one of my favorite things in the world!