Summertime is filled with many weekend getaways and other fun social
activities there are many times when one is a guest or hosting. On many occasions
I have been asked what should I bring? Here are few ideas: Let’s say a
top ten list of different hostess gifts. So often it is not the dollar amount it is just the thought and gesture that matter. Please let me know if there
are any ideas of ones you like to give or receive? Also in this month
issue of Domino magazine they had a list of different ideas that I
thought were also fun hostess gift ideas.
1. Sending Flowers in advance
2. A bottle of wine, champagne, specialty Beer, or a pound of fresh coffee – but then you could wrap in a dish towel or something fun.
3. Kitchen gadgets – Wine openers, Candy Thermometers Random little items are always fun to receive.
4. Hand Cream – this is one of my favorite dinner party hostess gifts I received. I thought it was so sweet and thoughtful to bring hand cream
5. Candles/ Soaps something that you don’t always think of buying yourself
6. Make it yourself- do you have something you make that is your specialty? Well make that and package it up nicely- jams, cookies, candies etc.
7. A Grocery Bag
8. A specialty item from your area- is there a special store that sells chocolates a bakery known for something? One of my favorites the Cinnamon Babka Bread from Dean and Deluca… I think it is to die for and have definitely brought it on many occasions.
9. Wrap a bunch of fun magazines together, guilty pleasures you sometimes don’t indulge. They make for great poolside and beach reading.
10. I have a sweet tooth! Once I received a large bag of all kinds of candy. The next day I brought it into the office to share and heard, ” Why don’t I have friend that would bring me a bag of candy???”
This is a very good list, really liked the hand cream idea and, of course, the grocery bag. Since I’m not much of a wine drinker, I always found it a little hard b/c everyone always suggests a bottle of wine.
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Cheers! Sandra. R.