Aug 272009

Mexican Sour Gherkins

Last weekend I was at the farmer’s market, in Union Square buying some blueberries because I wanted to make the August cover of Gourmet. Lemon Blueberry Ice Cream Bars- they turned out great and think they would be perfect to serve at a summer BBQ. While I was walking through the market I discovered Mexican Sour Gherkins. They look like mini watermelons about 1 inch in size but taste like a cucumber. It is now days later and I am still fascinated by these little guys. Now I just wish I had a garden and could grow them myself.

Maybe others have seen these before and I am just completely behind the times. I think they are amazing the only problem was they were rather expensive so I have been enjoying eating then one by one…although they would be completely awesome in a salad.


  2 Comments to “Mexican Sour Gherkin”

  1. Next time you are in south west, you can get Gerkhin’s (AKA Mexican Mouse Melons) by the bag full in Mexican markets.. They were all the rage at the bull fights years ago… I would eat those things like candy, and they went great with beer..LOL

  2. Those gherkins are amazing — such a great snack! And they make me think of the Swiss Re building in London.

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