This Super Bowl I took on the task of making stadium bundt cakes. I received the bundt pan as a gift (from my future big brother) and there are only a few opportunities to a year to use it. I had fun making them- got a little involved in it and definitely think that everyone should invest in a stadium bundt pan!

But this Super Bowl there was a dessert that was a huge success-wish i could take credit for it.
Rollo Covered Pretzels
Bite-Size salt Pretzels
Pecans Halves
(Amounts are completely up to you…I recommend a lot!)
Preheat Oven to 300
Line a baking sheet with either a sil plat or tin foil. Place one Rollo on each Pretzel-bake for about 5 minutes watch closely because you do not want the Rollo to burst. Take them out of the oven a press one pecan halve on top. Do not press too hard. Let cool completely and ready serve. These will definitely be a huge success at your next event! Thank you N.A.
I have to admit that I’m not a huge fan of the superbowl – but with the home made sloppy joes and stadium bundt cake, I could definitely see getting into it next year!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! Your Superbowl Tribute cake is AMAZING!!! I can only imagine how delicious this cake must’ve tasted.
The stadium cake was AWESOME. Though the bleachers tasted the best, the heads off of the little people were the most FUN part to eat!
Stadium Bundt cake??? a must purchase!! I can picture the praise I will receive at tailgates to come….