First: Happy Thanksgiving
Second:My last entry was on Cranberry Sauce , following the entry I was asked how to get rid of a cranberry
Answer: With much difficulty since cranberries are used as a color stain. Dab area with cloth and in a spray bottle mix 2/3 water and 1/3 vinegar, spray area let stand for 10 minutes and wash as normal. If it is a delicate fabric, test the area first because vinegar acts as an acid.
Third: My first time cooking a Turkey was a disaster- that story for a later time! But the next year, I called one of my cooking icons and asked for help. The advice I was given to determine if the bird is done: After cooking recommended time, cut just under the leg of the bird if the juices come out clear, it’s done! Thank you Mrs. R
glad i was able to inspire the bit on removing cranberry stain… it’s still all over my tie/ shirt… will try the water/ vinegar trick later tonight. thanks patty.
Patty…I remember your times cooking cranberry sauce. I’d put a big apron on you,we pulled up a chair and you stired until all the bebbies popped…begining of a great cook at your Aunt Kathleen
Your e-mail updates are like breath of fresh air when I come in the office in the mornings. Love the idea of flavored butter. Did you set the butter in a mold or squeezed from an icing tube?