Mar 122007

Some people have a sweet tooth some prefer salt – I enjoy both. Without any influence, I would lean towards the sweet side but having been raised with a mother who loves salt on almost anything it was only natural that I would also develop a healthy affinity towards salt as well. Sources say that there are over 14,000 different uses for salt- it’s pretty amazing all that salt can do! I thought I’d relay a few salty facts:Salt brings out the flavor in food.
That being said, it is considered a great insult to Salt your food before tasting it-
This implies that you do not trust that the chef knows what they are doing.
Boiling water with Salt- water boils at a higher temperature
Poaching eggs with Salt helps set the egg white
Spilling Red wine Salt the spot right away and will prevent from staining.
Prevent Browning of apples, pears, and potatoes drop in cold lightly Salted water.
Rubbing Salt will remove tea or coffee stains from a cup
Extinguishing a grease fires toss Salt on it, this will smother flames.
Don’t use water will only splatter the burning grease
Salt acts as an excellent cleaning agent
Salt Will restore whiteness in bathtubs
Destroys moths and drives away ants
Mouth wash, throat gargle, and eye wash
My favorite Equal parts of Olive Oil and Salt makes great facial scrub!
The Pirate Shot, another use for salt:
1. Snort a thin “line” of salt through half of a straw.
2. Drink shot of cheap rum or tequila.
3. Squeeze lemon slice into your eye. Limes or lemon juice from a bottle will also do in a pinch.
4. Squint and yell “AARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!”