Over the past year, I have discovered a new taste for crab cakes. I probably only recently developed an affinity for them because half the time I have them I am very disappointed. I was home visiting my parents and decided I wanted to make them. My mother and I each made our own batch and were able to come to an agreement of which ingredients we liked and disliked in our recipes.
½ Pound Fresh Crab Meat
1 Cup Diced Red Onion
¾ Cup Diced Red Pepper
¾ Cup Diced Celery
1 Tablespoon of Capers
½ Lemon Sliced
2 Teaspoons of Old Bay Seasoning
1 Teaspoon of dry mustard
2 Eggs
1 Tablespoon of Mayonnaise
¾ Cup Bread Crumbs
¼ Cup Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons of Butter
Salt and Pepper to taste
In a saucepan melt one tablespoon of butter in 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Add onion, pepper, celery, lemon slices, capers, old bay season, and cook all these ingredients together for about 10 minutes. (Once cooked remove the lemon slices)
In a separate bowl beat the egg, dry mustard and mayonnaise together and then add the Crab Meat and bread crumbs.
Now mix together the crab and the vegetables let this stand for about 10 to 15 minutes.
Using a 1 tablespoon ice-cream scoop, make scoops full and place on a plate until ready to cook.
In a skillet heat the remaining olive oil and butter before frying the crab cakes. Each cake needs about 2-3 minutes on each side or until a golden brown color.
This will make approximately 32 mini crab cakes.
I found that these crab cakes are also great served cold. These would be great to serve on a salad or a sandwich.
Patty, the crabcakes and chicken pot pies were great As was the shrimp marinade. Please, please keep up the blogs. I gave the cookie one to my daughter.