Mar 042013

Every Friday morning in Bermondsey, which is about a 10 minutes walk from London Bridge Station, there is a small antique market. I think it is fun and there usually are some little gems among some junk. When my sister was visiting, I took her here and I found this fabulous antique copper pot from France. Now the thought of carrying it around all day was daunting so I went back the following week to pick it up. Of course, I then found another item I could not live with out, a 1930s Champagne Bucket. Clearly something I needed, but definitely, something that I will put to use and thought I could not live without.  Clearly, Neil feels the same way about these purchase.

The market opens at 5am and wraps up at around 1pm. Management of the market has recently changed, so there are a few more vendors and more push to promote the market, I hope this is a good change to the market, but time will tell.

Bermondsey Square, Southwark, London SE1 4QB

Bermondsey Antiques Market

Bermondsey Antiques Market

Bermondsey Antiques Market

Bermondsey Antiques Market

One of the stands at Bermondsey Antiques Market

One of the stands at Bermondsey Antiques Market

My Copper Pot!

My Copper Pot!

The Champagne Bucket

The Champagne Bucket






  2 Comments to “Bermondsey Antique Market”

  1. You lucky duck!!!! We’ve been there and loved it!!!

  2. Love them! What a fabulous looking shop!
    Thank you for sharing, wish I were there with you Patty. You shipped those home
    I presume……
    Sally A

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