Aug 282006

Bruschetta is what made me start eating tomatoes. The best thing about making it, is that it gets better and better as it sits for a few days marinating in its own juices in the fridge. It’s great to add to anything from a sandwich to some scrambled eggs.
3 Cups diced, seeded ripe tomatoes
5 Tablespoons of chopped fresh Basil
1 Tablespoon of minced Garlic
1/2 Cup of olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
Combine all ingredient in a bowl and let stand for 45 minutes at room temperature and ready to serve. If you are not going to serve it that day place in refrigerator covered.
Hi Patty, Just wanted you toknow that this is the first time your entry has come through…Don’t know why the others have been scrambled. Anyway, I enjoyed it! D Hope you are well and happy!! Donna
I’ve actually had bruschetta that was too new. I think it could totally sit for longer – in the fridge. It can be so good – and look how simple it is. You should have some good winter Dutch food. I’ll send you a recipe or two.
great recipe- keep them coming!