Aug 072006

This weekend I was making dinner with some friends. We decided we would make pasta. Rather than pick one type, I thought, why not just let everyone decide what they want to have in their own pasta? The options for this pasta dish were: cut up tomatoes, chopped basil, diced garlic, prosciutto, crumbled feta, fresh mozzarella, hot pepper, and olive oil. Of course there are many other variations that can be made, such as Parmesan, olives, pesto, or mushrooms.

This was very simple and fun for us all to make together.

 Posted by at 7:33 pm

  2 Comments to “Pasta Station”

  1. Loved the pasta recipe. We used to make a version of that that we called “summer pasta”. That’s because the tomatoes were fresh and so was the basil. Love your recipes

  2. Good luck, Patty. You’re off to a great start.

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